Star Healer
Ballantine, 1984. Novel, 75500 words.
Star Surgeon was only nine-tenths a Sector General novel: Star
Healer goes the whole distance. It's the story of how Conway
& Co. of the ambulance ship Rhabwar interact with the
FOKT Gogleskans on their grim home world. "Gosglesk has been
a borderline case so far as the Cultural contact people were concerned
. . . But the natives, in spite of their backwardness in the physical
sciences and the obscure racial psychosis which forced them to remain
so, were psychologically stable as individuals and the planet had
not known war for many thousands of years" (p. 37). Apropos
of nothing at all, the Sector General series has always been especially
popular in Glasgow.
Synopsis by graham Andrews
First Publication:
Ballantine/Del Rey, NY, ISBN 345-32089-1, January 1985
Publication History:
Macdonald/Futura/Orbit, ISBN 0-7088-8187-4, November 1987
Collected in Alien Emergencies,
Orb (Tor Books), June 2001
Foreign Publication:
Wilhelm Heyne, Munich, No 06/4980, ISBN 3-453-07969-8, 1995 as
Der Wunderheiler.
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