Code Blue - Emergency
Ballantine, 1987. Novel, 84000 words. Original title, "Star Nurse".
"On Sammaradva there are three levels of persons - serviles,
warriors, and rulers - and three levels of healers to care for
them..." (p29). Cha Thrat, the latest trainee nurse at Sector
General describing her home world. Despite being one of the hospital's
most diligent pupils, Cha Thrat is such a magnet for trouble that
even Minnie the Minx pales by comparison. White started using
the neutral pronoun 'it' for all his (its?) Sector General characters,
which often led to unnecessary gender confusion. Bull-/cow-shit.
I follow Dr Johnson's wise precept that the male form of a word
stands for both male and female. Or, if you prefer, the female
form..., etc. Clarity is what matters, and PC grammarians be damned!
Synopsis by Graham Andrews
First Publication:
Ballantine/Del Rey, ISBN -0-345-34627-0, July 1987
Publication History:
Macdonald/Futura, Orbit Books, ISBN 0-7088-4364-6, 1989.
Vern House, Wallington, hardcover, ISBN 0-7278-4090-8, September
Foreign Publication:
Wilhelm Heyne, Munich, No 06/4979. ISBN 3-453-07766-0, 1995
as Notfall Code Blau
AST Publishers, Moscow, ISBN 5-7841-0666-X, 1997, as (appromimat
Cryllic spelling) Mek3be3ahar Hedtnokka.