Federation World
Ballantine, 1988. Fix-up Novel, 100,000 words.
Fix-up novel: 'Federation World'; 'The Scourge'; 'Something of
Value'; (see under Short Stories) Combined with the unpublished
novelette 'The Silence' and the short novel 'The Answer' revised
and with linking material added.
All intelligent species discovered by the Federation of Galactic
Sentients are encouraged to help populate the eponymous modified
Dyson Sphere, situated at the galactic core. Federation World
is the White line on Niven's Ringworld and Orbitsville - by his
old Belfast mucker, Bob Shaw. Few better stories appeared
in Analog during the 1980s, which might or might not be taken as
a compliment. As Damon Knight wrote about Murray Leinster's
The Monster from Earth's End (a neglected non-classic, if ever there
was one): "...the reader can't help knowing all along that everything
will be explained calmly, rationally, and in a little too much detail."
Synopsis by graham Andrews
First Publication:
Ballantine/Del Rey ISBN 0-345-35263-7, $3.50, June 1988
Publication History:
Macdonald/Futura ISBN 0-7088-8335-4, £3.50, June 1990
Foreign Publication:
Wilhelm Heyne, Munich, No 066/4826, ISBN 3-453-0050013-4, 1991
as Die Foderaataaion