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 futures past
futures past


'Outrider' (11,000 words.) 

In a glide that was only a few degrees off level flight the ship slid into a tenuous upper reaches of the atmosphere.
No-first-name Gregg is travelling as a mere company employee on the express liner Wallaby, en route from Mars to Earth.  Then the A-(for Allen) Drive goes badly wrong, leaving the ship blind, deaf, and rudderless.  Like Conrad's Lord Jim, Gregg has a Guilty Secret in His Past for which he must Redeem Himself with an Act of Heroism.  Which he does, at hazard, becoming the nearest thing to a human barnacle in the process.  Gripping stuff (pun intended).  And 'Outrider' is a well-fitted story: one word more would be too many; one less would be too few.

Synopsis by Graham Andrews

First Publication:
  • NEW WORLDS No 35, May 1955 
Publication History:
  •  7-part serial Glasgow DAILY RECORDER, 3 - 10/8/1955
  • HAPNA, Arg 3 No 3, March 1956 as Kollision im Rymden 
  • Futures Past (see under Books).


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