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new worlds 81


9500 words

Into the gigantic task force assembling on the fringe of the Sirius system had gone the resources of seven inhabited worlds, and still it was not big enough.
The Sirius/Dogstar bit cold have been put down to a Freudian woof, had not Jim told us that his inspiration for 'Dogfight' came from seeing an ancient pooch asleep in torrential rain.  ". . . I kept thinking about that dog, about the human nature of dogs and the often animal nature of men.  The result . . . one of my few war stories" (from Introduction to Monsters and Medics).  Battle computer RK9 = 'R' for Robot and K9 for -- aargh!  'Dogfight' also prefigures the major plot-point of Open Prison/The Escape Orbit (see under Books).

Synopsis by graham Andrews
First Publication:
  •  NEW WORLDS No 81, March 1959
Publication History:
  • New Worlds US reprint  edition, April 1960


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