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Resident Physician

new worlds 110

Resident Physician
10500 words

Far out on the galactic Rim, where . . . (oops!, a false start.)  The patient brought into the observation ward was a large specimen -- about one thousand pounds mass, Conway estimated -- and resembled a giant upright pear.*
But Lonvellin, the ELPH patient, has a much smaller insiderkick.  'Resident Physician' was later subsumed into the novel Star Surgeon, which had the unfortunate effect of making it into an almost 'invisible' story.  Whites BIG ALIEN/little alien idea probably had germinated from multiple re-readings of Needle (1950) by Hal clement.  Conway to O'Mara: ". . . An intelligent, amoebic life-form, an organized collection of sub-microscopic, virus-type cells, would make the most efficient doctor obtainable."  Nanotechnology, in all but name. 

*In future, all first lines will be quoted from the book version of any story later made part of a fix-up novel.

Synopsis by Graham Andrews
First Publication:
  •  NEW WORLDS No 110,September 1961

Publication history:
  • GALACTIC EMPIRES Vol 1, Ed Brian Alldis, /Futura, Autumn 1976
  • GALACTIC EMPIRESWeidenfield & Nicholson, London, hardcover
  • IMPERIOS GALaCTICO 2,Editorial Bregeura SA, Barcelona, 1977
  • GALACTIC EMPIRES 1, Avon Books pb Edition,  $2.25, February 1979.
  • GALACTIC EMPIRES combined Vols 1 & 2, Arrow Books, £4-99, 1988
  • Star Surgeon (see under Books)


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